VIRTUAL: A Conversation Between Two Noah Charneys: At The Intersection of Art and Ecology

Thursday, February 82:00—3:00 PMOnline

There are TWO authors named Noah Charney and they know each other! One is a world renowned Ecologist and Conservationist whose book, "Trees Tell a Story" is fascinating. The other Noah is a noted art historian, specializing in art heists through the ages. His newly released book, "The Thefts of the Mona Lisa: The Complete Story of the World's Most Famous Artwork" is the perfect example of Noah's expertise in this field. We hope you can join us for what is going to be an unusual and enlightening discussion - where will the two Noahs intersect, where will they diverge? (and, this talk was meant to be because we just found out that our Noahs were born 1 day apart!

Please register here.

In partnership with the Ashland Public Library.