Beginning Conversations about Race, Culture, and Prejudice: Meeting Offsite

Monday, April 2410:00—11:00 AM1st Floor Meeting RoomBFPL7 Mudge Way, BEDFORD, MA, 01730-2127

Young children notice differences in people like skin color, hair type, eye shape, and the foods they eat and languages they speak. We adults can help them learn about these differences and try to prevent them from absorbing prejudiced ideas they may see or hear other places. In this group, we will read books together about skin color, race, culture, and the prejudice and discrimination associated with those traits and explore our own physical appearance and culture through play and art. Each week, families will also get to borrow a bag with books to read at home and tips for parents and/or activities related to the books. 

For children ages 3-6 with a caregiver. Younger siblings welcome.

This group is facilitated by an Early Childhood Educator from First Connections, CFCE. This is a 10-week group with the same families meeting each week. Space is limited and registration is required. Use this calendar to let us know you are interested and a little about yourself/your child/your family. Signing up here is not a guarantee of a spot in the group. You will be contacted to confirm your spot. 

Please Note: Unfortunately, due to booksale clean up, the first meeting will be taking place at CFCE's office. You will receive more information from the facillitator if your registration is confirmed.

Registration for this event has now closed.