VIRTUAL: A History of Mount Auburn Cemetery

Tuesday, March 267:00—8:00 PMOnline

Mount Auburn Cemetery was established in 1831 as a designed landscape of exceptional beauty to bury the dead and provide comfort and inspiration to the living. With its founding, Mount Auburn led the rural cemetery movement in this country and provided the landscape pattern for the public parks movement that followed. Today, Mount Auburn is a busy cemetery as well as a National Historic Landmark, an internationally renowned arboretum and botanical garden, a wildlife sanctuary, an important birding site, an outdoor museum of commemorative art and architecture, and a beloved natural oasis amid urban development. The Cemetery is known for its breathtaking horticultural beauty and its many historical associations. Curator Meg Winslow will shed new light on Mount Auburn's fascinating history and landscape design.

About our speaker:

Meg L. Winslow is Curator of Historical Collections & Archives at Mount Auburn Cemetery where she is responsible for developing and overseeing the Cemetery's permanent collections including more than 3,500 linear feet of archives, a library, historic photographs, works of art, significant artistic monuments on the grounds and stained glass. In 2013, Meg led the successful implementation of an Institute for Museum Services (IMLS) Museums for America grant to document and research Mount Auburn's Significant Monument Collection, the first cemetery to receive such a grant.

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In partnership with the Cary Library.

Thanks to the Friends of the Bedford Free Public Library.